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prezto, tmux, tmuxinator and vim

This post is extremely old and contains outdated information. It is being kept only for historical purposes.

It’s been a long time since I’ve made a post, so to ease back into regular posting I thought I’d start with a post on what’s changed with my current working environment.


Previously I was using oh-my-zsh with iTerm2. I haven’t stopped using iTerm2 (as it just keeps on getting better), but have ditched oh-my-zsh for the much cleaner and well maintained prezto. It’s fast, stable and extremely well documented. Just have a look around in the modules directory of the source. I can’t thank Sorin enough for his hard and rigorous work.


I’ve now got a more full featured vim setup now, and feel like I’ve progressed with my vim-fu significantly. (I recommend having a look at the Practical Vim book if you’re looking to improve your vim skills). I now use base16 in both iTerm2 and vim. The setup is actually a bit tricky for the 256 colour variant. You have to:

  1. Load the iTerm2 colour pallete into your iTerm2 profile
  2. Make sure the appropriate [shell script] is run at shell load to change the 256 colour space. I’ve done this by placing the script in ~/.bin/ and running source ~/.bin/ in my .zshrc
  3. Use vundle or pathogen to install base16-vim
  4. Make sure your .vimrc has the following:
" Access colors present in 256 colorspace
let base16colorspace=256

" Change this to the them you're using
colorscheme base16-tomorrow

With the base16-tomrrow theme, it ends up looking like this:

tmux + tmuxinator

I’ve been using tmux now for over a year and it has been amazing for productivity. It helps to isolate separate work environments and allows for extremely easy pairing.

tmuxinator is a project that I am currently maintaining. It is used to manage the creation of complex tmux sessions easily, describing the pane and window layouts in YAML. The gem was deemed dead for quite awhile, but I’ve completely rewritten it and I believe it is now quite stable.